Site Statistics Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 89
Associate User Dialog Box
The Associate User dialog box lets you associate the selected device with a
user. Use the search fields at the top to find the user you want to associate with
this device.
You can search by user ID, first name, or last name. The Search users field
searches all three for matches. The system matches the string you enter against
the beginning of the field you’re searching. For instance, if you enter “sa” in
the Last name field, it displays users whose last names begin with “sa.” To
search for a string not at the beginning of the field, you can use an asterisk (*)
as a wildcard.
When you find the right user, select that row and click OK. A prompt asks you
to confirm associating the endpoint with this user.
See also:
“Endpoints” on page 79
Site Statistics
The Site Statistics page lists the sites defined in the Polycom DMA system’s
site topology and, for those controlled by the system, traffic and QoS statistics.
Network clouds and the default internet site aren’t included.
The following table describes the fields in the list.
If the Polycom DMA system is integrated with a Polycom RealPresence Resource
Manager or CMA system, it receives user-to-device association information from
that system, and you can only associate users with devices on the Polycom
RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system.
Table 5-8 Information in the Site Statistics list
Column Description
Site Name Name of the site.
Number of Calls Number of active calls.
Bandwidth Used % Percentage of available bandwidth in use.
Bandwidth (Mbps) Total available bandwidth.
Avg Bit Rate (kbps) Average bit rate of the active calls.
Note: Bit rate is not the same as bandwidth. Since the
bit rate applies in both directions and there is overhead,
the actual bandwidth consumed is about 2.5 times the
bit rate.