Conference Templates Conference Manager Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 203
c Check Use existing profile and select the one you want from the RMX
profile name list.
The list contains the profiles available on the RMX MCUs that have
been added to the Polycom DMA system.
4 Click OK.
The new template appears in the Conference Templates list.
To edit a conference template
1 Go to Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Templates.
2 In the Conference Templates list, select the template of interest, and in
the Actions list, click Edit.
3 In the Edit Conference Template dialog box, edit the settings as desired.
See “Edit Conference Template Dialog Box” on page 193.
4 Click OK.
The template changes appear in the Conference Templates list.
To change a conference template’s priority
1 Go to Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Templates.
2 On the Conference Templates list, select the template whose priority you
want to change.
3 In the Actions list, select Move Up or Move Down, depending on
whether you want to increase or decrease the template’s priority ranking.
When a user is associated with multiple templates, the system uses the
highest priority template. We recommend moving the system default
template to the bottom of the list.
4 Repeat until the template has the desired ranking.
To delete a conference template
1 Go to Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Templates.
2 In the Conference Templates list, select the template you want to delete,
and in the Actions list, click Delete.
3 When asked to confirm that you want to delete the selected template,
click Yes.
Any conference rooms or enterprise groups that used the template are
reset to use the system default template.