DMA Operations Guide Microsoft Active Directory Integration
156 Polycom, Inc.
11 If, in step 9, the Total users/rooms values were significantly different
from what you expected, try to determine the reason and fix it:
a Go to User > Users and perform some searches to determine which
enterprise users are available and which aren’t.
b If there are many missing or incorrect users, consider whether changes
to the LDAP filter can correct the problem or if there is an issue with
the directory integration configuration chosen.
12 If, in step 9, there were many conference room errors, try to determine the
reason and fix it:
a Go to Reports > Conference Room Errors and verify that the time on
the report is after the time when you last completed step 7.
b Review the list of duplicate and invalid conference room IDs.
Consider whether using a different Active Directory attribute,
increasing the conference room ID length, or editing the characters to
remove will resolve the majority of problems.
If there are only a few problems, they can generally be resolved by
correcting invalid Active Directory entries.
13 If necessary, repeat steps 4-9 and steps 11 and/or 12, modifying the
integration parameters as needed, until you get a satisfactory result.
See also:
“Microsoft Active Directory Integration” on page 147
“Adding Passcodes for Enterprise Users” on page 158
“Active Directory Integration Report” on page 394
“Conference Room Errors Report” on page 398
Leaving user roles assigned to the service account represents a serious security
risk. For best security, remove all user roles so that this account can’t be used for
logging into the Polycom DMA system management interface.
If you’re not familiar with LDAP filter syntax (as defined in RFC 2254) and
knowledgeable about enterprise directories in general and your specific
implementation in particular, please consult with someone who is.