Upgrading the Software System Management and Maintenance
Polycom, Inc. 367
Basic Upgrade Procedures
To install an upgrade
1 Put the upgrade package file somewhere on or accessible from your PC.
2 Go to Maintenance > Software Upgrade.
3 In the Actions list, click Upload.
4 Select the upgrade package file and click Open.
The File Upload dialog box indicates when the upload is complete.
5 Click Close.
The Upgrade Package Details section displays information about the file
you uploaded. The description includes an estimated install time.
6 Verify that the upgrade package is correct. If a system restart is required,
make sure that there are no calls on the system.
Most upgrades will require a restart.
Always check the upgrade version release notes before installing an upgrade.
The upgrade installation process automatically creates a backup, which enables
you to roll back an upgrade (restore the previous version) if necessary. As a
precaution, however, we recommend that you download a recent backup file before
you begin to install an upgrade. See “Backing Up and Restoring” on page 360.
You can roll back only the last applied upgrade. Rolling back an upgrade restores
the database to its state prior to the upgrade, so data may be lost.
The procedure below is for:
• Installing any software upgrade on a single-server or two-server system that’s
not part of a supercluster.
• Installing a patch (supercluster-compatible software upgrade) on a cluster that’s
part of a supercluster. In that case, you repeat the procedure on each cluster.
To apply a major or minor software upgrade (not supercluster-compatible) to a
superclustered system, see “Incompatible Software Version Supercluster
Upgrades” on page 371.
To minimize the time required for an upgrade:
• If the upgrade requires a new license, obtain the license activation key(s) ahead
of time.
• Download a recent backup and upload the upgrade package file (the first five
steps below) ahead of time. For a supercluster, do this on each cluster.
• Perform the remainder of the procedure during a maintenance window when
there are no calls or conferences so that you can immediately take the cluster
out of service instead of having to wait for all activity to end.
Using a maintenance window with no calls on the system also eliminates any
concerns about whether the remaining cluster(s) of a supercluster have
sufficient capacity to handle the load of the cluster being upgraded.