Message of the Day (MOTD) Tab Field Descriptions
The message of the day is displayed when users log into the IOLAN through a telnet or SSH session
or through WebManager or EasyPort Web.
There are two ways to retrieve the message of the day to be displayed to users when they log into the
z The message of the day file is retrieved from a SFTP/TFTP server every time a user logs into the
IOLAN. You must have a SFTP/TFTP server running on any host that you are uploading or
downloading files to/from when using SFTP/TFTP. When you specify the file path, the path must
be relative to the default path set in your SFTP/TFTP server software.
z The message of the day file is downloaded to the IOLAN and retrieved locally every time a user
logs into the IOLAN. You can download an MOTD file to the IOLAN in the DeviceManager by
Tools, Advanced, Custom Files and then selecting the Download Other File option
and browse to the MOTD file. In WebManager, select
Administration, Custom Files and select
Other File option and browse to the MOTD file. After the MOTD is downloaded to the
IOLAN, you must specify the MOTD file name in the
Filename field to access it as the message
of the day (no
SFTP/FTP Host parameter is required when the file is internal).
Configure the following parameters:
TFTP Host The host that the IOLAN will be getting the Message of the Day file from.
Field Format: Resolvable host name, IPv4 address, IPv6 address
Filename The path and file name, relative to the default path of your TFTP server
software, of the file that contains a string that is displayed when a user connects
to the IOLAN. The IOLAN will look for the file internally (it must already be
downloaded), if only the file is specified (no TFPT host) or the file cannot be
found on the specified TFPT host.
Check this box if you wish to use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) instead
of TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). The IOLAN will use the SFTP server
information entered under the SFTP tab.
Display MOTD in
EasyPort Web
When enabled, displays the Message of the Day to users who are logging into
WebManager or EasyPort Web.
Default: Disabled