TCP/UDP Port The network port number that the Slave Gateway will listen on for both TCP
and UDP messages.
Default: 502
Next Request Delay A delay, in milliseconds, to allow serial slave(s) to re-enable receivers before
issuing next Modbus Master request.
Range: 0-1000
Default: 50 ms
Enable Serial
Modbus Broadcasts
When enabled, a UID of 0 (zero) indicates that the message will be broadcast to
all Modbus Slaves.
Default: Disabled
Request Queuing When enabled, allows multiple, simultaneous messages to be queued and
processed in order of reception.
Default: Enabled
Embedded When this option is selected, the address of the slave Modbus device is
embedded in the message header.
Default: Enabled
Remapped Used for single device/port operation. Older Modbus devices may not include a
UID in their transmission header. When this option is selected, you can specify
the UID that will be inserted into the message header for the Modbus slave
device. This feature supersedes the Broadcast feature.
Default: Disabled
Remap UID Specify the UID that will be inserted into the message header for the Slave
Modbus serial device.
Range: 1-247
Default: 1
Enable SSL/TLS
using global settings
When enabled, Modbus Slave Gateway messages to remote TCP Modbus
Masters are encrypted via SSL/TLS.
Default: Disabled