Serial Port Profiles
Remote Access (PPP) Profile
The Remote Access (PPP) profile configures a serial port to allow a remote user to establish a PPP
connection to the IOLAN’s serial port. This is typically used with a modem for dial-in or dial-out
access to the network or a wireless WAN card.
There are two options for PPP user authentication:
1. You can configure a specific user/password and a specific remote user/password per a serial port.
2. You can create a secrets file with multiple users and their passwords that will globally
authenticate users on all serial ports.
You can use configure PPP authentication in the configuration or in the secrets file, but not both.
If you want to use a secrets file, you must download the secrets file to the IOLAN for CHAP or PAP
authentication; the files must be downloaded to the IOLAN using the names
chap-secrets and
pap-secrets, respectively. The file can be downloaded to the IOLAN under the Custom Files
option by selecting the
Download Other File parameter.
In the Remote Access (PPP) profile, you must also specify the Authentication option as PAP or
CHAP on the Authentication tab, but must leave the User, Password, Remote User, and Remote
fields blank.
An example of the CHAP secrets file follows:
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client server secret acceptable local IP addresses
barney fred flintstone1234567890
fred barney wilma
An example of the PAP secret file follows:
# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client server secret acceptable local IP addresses
barney * flintstone1234567890
fred * wilma