Account Settings
Enter the information about your DynDNS.com account so the IOLAN can communicate IP address
updates. These settings are global and apply to all Dynamic DNS settings.
Configure the appropriate parameters:
User Name Specify the user name used to access the account set up on the DynDNS.org
Password Specify the password used to access the account set up on the DynDNS.org
Account Settings
Click this button to configure the Dynamic DNS DynDNS.org account
System Type Specify how your account IP address schema was set up with DynDNS.org.
Refer to www.DynDNS.org for information about this parameter.
Data Options: Dynamic, Static, Custom
Default: Dynamic
Wildcard Adds an alias to *.yourcompanySCS.dyndns.org pointing to the same IP
address as entered for
Connection Method Specify how the IOLAN is going to connect to the DynDNS.org server.
Data Options:
z HTTP through Port 8245
z HTTPS—for a secure connection to the DynDNS server
Default: Disabled
Cipher Suite Button Launches the cipher information window so you can specify the type of
encryption that will be used for data that is transferred between the
DynDNS.org server and the IOLAN.
See Cipher Suite Field Descriptions for more information.