Serial Port Profiles
Enable Data
When enabled, serial data will be buffered if the TCP connection is lost. When
the TCP connection is re-established, the buffered serial data will be sent to its
destination. If using the Trueport profile, data logging is only supported in Lite
The minimum data buffer size for all models is 1 KB. The maximum data
buffer size is 2000 KB for DS1/TS2/STS8D, all other models are 4000 KB. If
the data buffer is filled, incoming serial data will overwrite the oldest data.
Values: 1-2000 KB (DS1/TS1/STS8D) - Default 4 KB
Values: 1-4000 KB (all other models) - Default 256 KB
Default: Disabled
Note: A kill line or a reboot of the IOLAN causes all buffered data to be
Some profile features are not compatible with the data logging feature. See
Appendix J, Data Logging.
To change the default data logging buffer size see Advanced Serial Settings
Tab .
Idle Timeout Use this timer to close a connection because of inactivity. When the Idle
Timeout expires, the IOLAN will end the connection.
Range: 0-4294967 seconds (about 49 days)
0 seconds so the port will never timeout
Session Timeout Use this timer to forcibly close the session/connection when the Session
0 seconds so the port will never timeout
Range: 0-4294967 seconds (about 49 days)
Session Strings Controls the sending of ASCII strings to serial device at session start as
z Send at Start—If configured, this string will be sent to the serial device
on power-up of the IOLAN, or when a kill line command is issued on this
serial port. If the "monitor DSR" or "monitor DCD" options are set, the
string will also be sent when the monitored signal is raised.
Range: 0-127 alpha-numeric characters
Range: hexadecimal 0-FF
z Delay after Send - If configured, will inset a delay after the string is sent
to the device. This delay can be used to provide the serial device with time
to process the string before the session is initiated.
Default: 10 ms
Dial In If the device is remote and will be dialing in via modem or ISDN TA, enable
this parameter.
Default: Disabled
Dial Out If you want the modem to dial a number when the serial port is started, enable
this parameter.
Default: Disabled
Dial Timeout The number of seconds the IOLAN will wait to establish a connection to a
remote modem.
Range: 1-99
Default: 45 seconds