Adding/Editing Users
Session Timeout The amount of time, in seconds, before the IOLAN forcibly closes a user’s
session (connection). The default value is
0 (zero), meaning that the session
timer will not expire (the session is open permanently, or until the user logs
out). The
User Session Timeout will override all other Serial Port Session
Timeout parameters.
Range: 0-4294967
Default: 0
Enable Callback When enabled, enter a phone number for the IOLAN to call the user back (the
Enable Callback parameter is unrelated to the Serial Port Remote Access
profile Dial parameter).
Note: the IOLAN will allow callback only when a user is authenticated. If the
protocol over the link does not provide authentication, there will be no
callback. Therefore, when the
Serial Port profile is set to Remote Access
, you must use either PAP or CHAP, because these protocols provide
The IOLAN supports another type of callback,
Roaming Callback, which is
configurable when the
Serial Port profile is set to Remote Access (PPP).
Default: Disabled
Phone Number The phone number the IOLAN will dial to callback the user (you must have set
Enable Callback enabled).
Restrictions: Enter the number without spaces.
Language You can specify whether a user will use English or Custom Language as the
language that appears in the Menu or CLI. The IOLAN supports one custom
language that must be downloaded to the IOLAN.
Default: English
See Language Support for more information about Custom Languages.
Hotkey Prefix The prefix that a user types to control the current session.
Data Options:
z ^a number—To switch from one session to another, press ^a (Ctrl-a) and
then the required session number. For example,
^a 2 would switch you to
session 2. Pressing
^a 0 will return you to the IOLAN Menu.
z ^a n—Display the next session. The current session will remain active.
The lowest numbered active session will be displayed.
z ^a p—Display the previous session. The current session will remain
active. The highest numbered active session will be displayed.
z ^a m—To exit a session and return to the IOLAN. You will be returned to
the menu. The session will be left running.
z ^a l—(Lowercase L) Locks the serial port until the user unlocks it. The
user is prompted for a password (any password, excluding spaces) and the
serial port is locked. The user must retype the password to unlock the
serial port.
z ^r—When you switch from a session back to the Menu, the screen may
not be redrawn correctly. If this happens, use this command to redraw it
properly. This is always
Ctrl R, regardless of the Hotkey Prefix.
User Hotkey Prefix value overrides the Serial Port Hotkey Prefix value.
You can use the
Hotkey Prefix keys to lock a serial port only when the serial
port’s Allow Port Locking parameter is enabled.
Default: Hex 01 (Ctrl-a or ^a)