Introduction 30
IOLAN Features
z ‘Fixed tty’ support for several operating systems using Perle’s TruePort utility.
z DHCP/BOOTP for automated network-based setup.
z Dynamic statistics and line status information for fast problem diagnosis.
z Multisession support when accessing the IOLAN from either the serial port or the network.
z Modbus master/slave/gateway support.
z An SDK for custom programs and plugin support.
z I/O interface on the IOLAN I/O models (Analog, Temperature, Digital, and Relay).
z Ability to disable services (for example, Telnet, TruePort, Syslog, SNMP, Modbus, HTTP) for
additional security.
z Ability to enable Ping responses.
Advanced Features
Advanced IOLAN software features can be found on all IOLAN models except DS and TS models.
z External authentication using any of the following systems:
– Kerberos
– SecurID
– LDAP/Microsoft Active Directory
z Support for TCP/IP and UDP protocols.
z Dynamic DNS with DYNDNS.org.
z Domain Name Server (DNS) support.
z WINS support for Windows
z Remote access support including PPP, SLIP, and SLIP with VJ Compression.
z Ability to remotely manage the Perle Remote Power Switch (RPS).
z Ability to cluster several IOLANs.
z Email alert notification.
z PPP authentication via PAP /CHAP/ MSCHAP.
z SSH connections (supported ciphers are Blowfish, 3DES, AES, CAST128, and Arcfour).
z SSL/TLS connections.
z Logging via Syslog.
z RIP authentication (via password or MD5).
z SNTP (versions 1, 2, 3, and 4 are supported).
The IOLAN security features can include (depending on your IOLAN model):
z Supervisory and serial port password protection.
z Ability to set serial port access rights.
z Ability to assign users access level rights to control their access.
z Trusted host filtering (IP filtering), allowing only those hosts that have been configured in the
IOLAN access to the IOLAN.
z Idle port timers, which close a connection that has not been active for a specified period of time.
z Ability to individually disable network services that won’t be used by the IOLAN.