Modbus I/O Access
I/O Coil/Register Descriptions
This section contains descriptions of I/O coils:
z MB_REG_DI_SENSOR—Status of Digital input. 1 is Active, 0 is Inactive. If Invert Signal is
on, 0 is Active, 1 is Inactive. If input is Latched, returns latched status.
z MB_REG_DI_SENSOR_ALARM_STATE—Indication if input is in alarm state. 1 is In
Alarm state, 0 is Not in Alarm state. A write of any value clears the alarm state.
z MB_REG_DO_SENSOR—Status of Digital output. 1 is Active, 0 is Inactive. If Invert Signal
is configured
on, 0 is Active, 1 is Inactive.
This section contains descriptions of I/O holding registers:
z MB_REG_HR_DI_SENSOR_LATCH—The latch status of the Digital input. 1 is Latched, 0 is
Not latched. A write of any value will clear the latch.
z MB_REG_HR_DO_SENSOR_PULSE_ISW—Inactive Signal Width. This is how long the
channel will remain inactive during pulse mode in increments of 100ms. Valid values are 1-
9999. The default is 1 (100 ms).
z MB_REG_HR_DO_SENSOR_PULSE_ASW—Active Signal Width. This is how long the
channel will be active during the pulse mode in increments of 100ms. Valid values are 1-9999.
The default is 1 (100 ms).
z MB_REG_HR_DO_SENSOR_PULSE_COUNT—The number of times the channel output
will pulse. Each count consists of an active/inactive sequence. The default is 1 cycle.
z MB_REG_HR_AI_CLEAR_ALARM_LATCH—Used to reset a latched alarm state. A write
of any value will clear the alarm latch for the specific Analog input.
z MB_REG_HR_AI_CLEAR_MAX—Used to reset the Analog input maximum value reached.
A write of any value will reset the maximum.
z MB_REG_HR_AI_CLEAR_MIN—Used to reset the Analog input minimum value reached. A
write of any value will reset the minimum.
This section contains descriptions of I/O input registers:
z MB_REG_IR_CURR_ENG—The current value of an Analog or Temperature input converted
to appropriate units. For Analog, this will be in voltage or current, depending on the
configuration. For the Temperature, this value will be in Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on
z MB_REG_IR_MIN_ENG—The minimum converted value ever reached on this input since the
IOLAN was re-started or a manual clear was issued.
z MB_REG_IR_MAX_ENG—The maximum converted value ever reached on this input since
the IOLAN was re-started or a manual clear was issued.
z MB_REG_IR_CURR_RAW—The current raw value received from the Analog to Digital
converter. This is a hexadecimal value in the range of 0 -0xFFFF.
z MB_REG_IR_MIN_RAW—The minimum raw value ever reached on this input since the
IOLAN was re-started or a manual clear was issued.
z MB_REG_IR_MAX_RAW—The maximum converted value ever reached on this input since
the IOLAN was re-started or a manual clear was issued.
z MB_REG_IR_ALARM_LEVEL—This gives the current alarm severity level for the
corresponding Analog input. Severity levels range from 0 (not in alarm) to 5 (highest alarm