Field Descriptions
The Local connection option is different depending on whether you are configuring a Digital Input
or a Digital Output/Relay channel. The
Local connection option for Digital Input lists all the local
Digital Output channels or output serial signal pins that it is associated with. Digital Input can be
connected to multiple local Digital Output or Relay channels or output serial signal pins. However, a
Digital Output can only be associated with one Digital Input channel or input serial signal pin. The
Local connection option for Digital Output configures the specific local Digital Input channel or
input serial signal pin on the same IOLAN that it is to be connected to.
For a description of the SSL/TLS parameters (not available when Local connection is configured),
SSL/TLS Settings Tab Field Descriptions .
Configure the following parameters:
Enable I/O
When enabled, the digital channel can be connected to:
z A Digital output or relay (if the I/O model supports relay) channel on the
same IOLAN
z Output Serial Signal Pins (DTR/RTS)
z A Digital output channel on another IOLAN(s) or output serial signal pins
(DTR/RTS) on another IOLAN(s)
z A TCP/IP application(s) running on a host on the network
Default: Disabled
Listen for
When enabled, the channel/serial signal pin will wait for connections to be
initiated by another I/O channel or a TCP/IP application.
Default: Enabled
Input TCP Port The TCP port that the channel/serial signal pin will use to listen for incoming
Default: 2000 for channel 1, then increments by one for each channel
Digital Input/DSR/DCD/CTS Digital Output/Relay/DTR/RTS