10. Fault Commands
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
Response Format
If, in less than 2 seconds, a normal or error response cannot be sent, the following
acknowledgment response will be sent:
IP c
After the above response, a new command input may be generated.
Normal Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-ATTR-ALL:[tid]:aid_all:[ctag]::[ntfncde],
[cond_all] */
DECRATE-F: Decreasing Rate (Fast channel). There is no
corresponding standing condition clear message.
LPRS-L: Loss Of Power Seconds (Line) (far-end only)
LOSS-L: Loss of Signal Seconds (Line) (near-end only)
LOS: Loss Of Signal/clock
LPR: Loss Of Power
LORATE: Line rate is below planned rate (Loss of Signal Quality)
PROGVER: Failed to load or find requested software
RAI: Remote Alarm Indication
RMTDLFAIL: Failed to download software
SWROLLBACK: Software version rolled back
Grouping is allowed. If no value is specified, ALL is assumed.
[locn] Location of the condition. Valid values are:
NEND: Near End
FEND: Far End
Only applicable to conditions supporting location. If no value is
specified, ALL is assumed.
[dirn] Direction of the condition. Valid values (for conditions supporting
RCV: Receive
TRMT: Transmit
If no value is specified, ALL is assumed.
Table 10-11. RTRV-ATTR-ALL Command Parameters (2 of 2)