4. DS1 Facility Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
Normal Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-T1:[tid]:aid_ds1:[ctag]::::[pstf],[sstf] */
Error Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-T1:[tid]:aid_ds1:[ctag]::::[pstf],[sstf] */
/* error description */
Table 4-13. RTRV-T1 Response Parameters (1 of 2)
Parameter Explanation
tid Target NE identification
yy-mm-dd Year, month, and day
hh:mm:ss Hour, minute, and second
M Message generated in response to an input command
c If provided, ctag; otherwise 0
COMPLD Completed
DENY Input command is denied
/* */ Enclosed are human readable comments – unspecified format
aid_ds1 As described for command parameters
ds1_nblk Named parameter block for DS1 facility. The block consists of one or
more of the following parameters, in any order separated by commas,
each followed by an equal sign and a valid value.
EQLZ: Line equalization (T1 short haul interfaces only). See Ta bl e 4 -4,
T1 Line Equalization Values. Default is 0.
LBO: Line build-out in dB (T1 long haul interfaces only). Valid values are
0 (default), 7.5, 15, and 22.5.
LINETYPE: Type of line interface used. Valid values are:
– G703SHORT120: For E1 model. G.703 short-haul interface
(120 ohm connector).
– DSX1: For T1 model. T1 short-haul interface.
– G703LONG: For E1 model. G.703 long-haul interface (120 ohm
connector). Default for E1 models.
– T1: T1 power loop. For T1 model. T1 long-haul interface. Default
for T1 models.
– G703SHORT75: For E1 model. G.703 short-haul interface
(75 ohm connector).