4. DS1 Facility Commands
4200-A2-GB20-00 August 2002
Report DS1 facility operational parameters for NTT1-3.
TAMPA 01-11-24 12:30:43
Related Commands
Table 4-9. REPT-OPSTAT-T1 Response Parameters
Parameter Explanation
tid Target NE identification
yy-mm-dd Year, month, and day
hh:mm:ss Hour, minute, and second
M Message generated in response to an input command
c If provided, ctag; otherwise 0
COMPLD Completed
DENY Input command is denied
/* */ Enclosed are human readable comments – unspecified format
errcde Error code (see Appendix A,
Error Codes
aid_ds1 As described for command parameters (see Table 4-8, REPT-OPSTAT-
T1 Command Parameters).
op_ds1 DS1 operational parameter. Values are:
INCELLS: Rolling count of cells received on this facility.
OUTCELLS: Rolling count of cells transmitted on this facility and
discarded for any reason.
INCELLSUKN: Rolling count of cells received on this facility and
discarded during header validation with unrecognized VPI/VCI values.
OCD: Rolling count of Out of Cell Delineation events on this facility.
STATUSCD: Current status of cell delineation state. Values are:
– Normal: No failure condition
– LOCD: Loss Of Cell Delineation
value Value of parameter specified by op_ds1.