Acronym that stapds for Adv riced 1. evision Systoms Committee dnd
the r,dme of the digtd bl_adcdst ng standards,
Aspect Ratio
The wdth of a TV screen re ative to its he gl,t, Convent onal TVs
are 4:3 (n other wolds, theTV soleen is amo£ square); w descleen
models ale, 16:9 (theTV scmer, s almo£ twce aswde as ts height),
CEC (Consumer Electronics Control)
This dOWS yOUto operate the nked fur,ct ons between our br_rld
dev ces with CEC fc,ature and this UrltWt, do not guarantee 100%
ir_teroper_bility with other brands of CEC compliant dev ces,
This is a vdeo signa format that copveys each of 3 print pa colors
of ight (red, hue and green) througl, d fie,rent sgnal nes, l/_s allows
the vewers to exper ence p ctule coors as origina as it s,There am
several signa forints, ncludingY/Pb/Pr andY/Cb/Ct:
Dolby Digital
The system developed by Dolby Labot_tor es to compress digtal
sound, It off_'rs stereo sound (2oh) or mult -channel dudo,
E St cker s showing set f_,atures, tect,n ca informat on, etc on thisTV
set that is d splayed on the IV semen, Previously the information was
on a printed sticker that was put on the display.
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)
Interlace that supports II uncompmssed, dgita audio/vdeo formats
includ n£ sc,t top box, Blu rdy/DVD rocolder or digital telev sion, over
a single cable,
HDTV (HighDefinition TV)
Ultimate digtd format that produces high reso ution dnd hgh pcturr,
qua ty,
Acronym that st4nds for Nationa l_,evis on Systems Committr, c, and
the r,ame of analog broadcasti% standa/ds,
Offthe air NqSC signa sarc, no longer being sent by mdjor
bl_adcasti% stations in the USA,
PIN code
A stored 4_digt number that dOWS dccess to parental contro f_,atures,
SAP (Secondary Audio Program)
Second dud o channel dewmd sepdrstely flora man aud o channel,
This dudo chdnnel s used dSan alternate n bili_gUd broadcdst ng.
SDTV (Standard Definition TV)
Standa/d digta format that is smdr to the NTSC p cture qualit}4
SRS TruSurround XT ¢_
Creates a truy irnrners ve surround sound experionce with rch bass
and teal dialog flom only two speakers,
Wpe the fiont panel and other exter or surfaces of the
unit with a soft cloth.
Never use a solvent or alcohol. Do not spray nsect ride
liquid near the unt, Such chem cab may cause damage and
d scolorat on to the exposed surfaces.
Wpe the panel of the unit with a soft cloth. Before cleaning
the panel, disconnect the AC power cord.
Should your unt become inoperat ve, do not try to correct
the problem yourseEThere are no usel serviceable parts
nside. Carl our toll flee customer support line found on the
cover of this manual to locate an author zed servce centel:
If the remote control is not working properl 7,you can use a
digtal camera ( nduding a cellular phone with bu It in camera)
to see if it s sending out an nfrared sgnal,
With a digital camera
(including built-in cell phone cameras):
Pont the D gital Camera towards the remote
control infiared diode at the front of the
remote control. Press any button on the
remote control and look through the camera
d spia}4 Ifthe infrared pulsar ng light appears
through the camera, the remote control s
sending out an IR signal,