Before you connect:
Be sure other device s connected properly before plugg ng n
the AC power cord,
External Device Connection
HDMI Connection
HDMI connect on offers the highest picture qualt)4
HDN] (H gh Dc,finition Plultimoda nLeriac) transports high definition
d gttal video and multi-channel digital audio through a sngle cable.
HDMI cable
Blu-ray/DVD recorder
with the HDMI output jack
HDMI-DVI Connection
This unt can be connected to your device that has a DVI
term nal, Use an HDMI DVI conversion cable for this
connection and it requ res audo cable for Analog Audio sgnal
as well,
conversion cable
_ J
i _iiii
cable _ceiver or _atellite I
with _he Qyl output J
The unt accepts 480,480p, 720p, 1080 and I080p 24/30/60Hz
of video sgna s,and 32kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48kHz of audio signals.
Ths unit accepts 8.1 channe audo sgna (Dolby ©igta) and 2
channel audio signa (LPCM).
T/,s unit accepts ony s£nals in cornp ar,ce with EIA861,
or HDMI-DVI connection
The urlt accepts 480,480p, 720p, 1080 and 1080p video sgna s,
HDPII DVI connection requ res sepal-ate audo connect ons as
we and the audo sigr,a sare convorted fl-om digta to ar,aog.
DVI does not d splay 480 image whch s not n cornp ante wth
EIA/CEA 861/861 B,
ComponentVideo Connection
ComponentV deo connection offers better p cture quality for
vdeo devices connected to the unit.
If you connect to the unit's ComponentVideo input jacks,
connect Analog Audio cables to the Analog Audo L/R input
jacks right below the ComponentVideo connector jacks.
........................... Blu-ray / DVD recorder
...................'with the component video output jacks
• The unt accepts 480/480p/720p and I080 of video signals for
this connection.