Before you begin:
You must set [Home] in [Location]. ,,B p.23
Otherwise, the settings you adjusted win not be memorized
after the unit goes nto standby mode.
1 Use &/Y to select the _em you want to adjus%then press
Before you begin:
You must set [Home] in [Location]. ,,,B p.23
Otherwise, the sett ngs you adjusted will not be memorized
after the unit goes nto standby mode,
1 Use &/Y to select the item you want to adjus%then prcss
2 Adjustthe following items,
Smart Picture
Use i/Y to select the des red sett ng, then press OK.
([Personal], [Standard], [Sports], [Movie], and [Game])
Brightness, Contrast, Color, Tint, Sharpness,
Color Temperature
You can only adjust the following opt ons when you set to
[Personal] in [Smart Picture],
Use i/• to select the des red sett ng, then press OK.Then
use _1/1_ to adjust the sett ng.
Cursor _1 Cursor •
Brightness to decredse brightness to ncredse brightness
Contrast to decredse contrast to ncredse contrast
Color to dea c,ase coot to naease coot
intensity ntensty
Tint to add red to add green
Sharpness to soften to sharpen
to ddd wdrm colors to add coo colors
Noise Reduction
Reduces the nose of the picture.
Use i/• to select the desired option, then press OK.
t°° t
• [hs function s d sabled when PC ir,put is seected, (Sett ng will be
in grdy,)
2 Adjust the f01iowing terns.
Smart Sound
Use i/• to select the desired setting, then press OK,
([Personal], [Standard], [Movie], [Music], and [News])
Adjust tonal quality for each frequency.
Use _1/1_ to select the specific frequency and use &/• to
adjust the level, then press OK.
SRSTruSurround XT ®
Ths selects sound modes for more spat al or surround sound
reproduct on.
Use A/• to select the desired opt on, then press OK.
Auto Votume Leveling
Ths function keeps a constant loudness d fferential between
theJV commerc als and the programs.
Use A/• to select the desired opt on, then press OK.