TV Screen Information
You can d splaythe currently selected channel or other
nformation such as the audio mode on the TV screen.
In the digital mode. the detailed broadcast ng nformat on
for the current offthe air channel such as program ttle and
program gudes are displayed.
1 PressINFO.
1 2
You can turn on ECO Node to conserve powen
ECO mode: ON s ENERGY S]AR _ qualified sett rig,
Press ECO once to turn on ECO Mode and reduce
power consumption,
Press ECO again to turn offECO Mode.
• You must set [Home] it, [Location]. ,,_* p.23
Otherw se, the sett}n£s you djusted will not be saved when the
unit goes into standby mode.
1 programttle
2 progrsm guide
(lhe program guide added to broadcasting
information is dsplayed to a max mum of 4 lines.)
3 broadcast staton
4 channel number
5 audio language (/_JgC)/audo mode (N]SC)
[SwitchingAudio Mode] u,mi,p.13
6 effective scanning lines and scan mode
7 TV format
8 program's image aspect rato
9 CC (not avalabie if closed capt on is set to [Off])
10 chid Iockratng
2 Press INFO or BACK _'_to hde the nformaton.
When the program gude corls sts of more that, 4 nes, use •/•
to solo to the next/previous Ines.
[No description provided.] is displayed when the program gude
is not provided.
While the program £ude is d splayed, the closed caption function
is interrupted.
In externa input mode, the follow ng screen is disp syed;
e.g.)When an external devce s connected to Video Input jack.
The informer on d splay will automatica y disappear n I m nute.
fun-Link Options
If you have our brand products such as Blu ray player or DVD
recorder that are compatible with fun Link funct ons. connect
them to this unt via an HDNI cable so you can simply operate
various terns fiom ths unit's remote control.
Before you begin:
You must set [On] n [Device Control] and [fun-Link
Control]. ,,,,Bp.22, 23
Otherwise. fun -Lur_-€ OPTIONS _:> does not work
even fyou connected our brand devces to this unt.
_[_',ejoyfmL _k ve_fled nd dev ms
NBPS}_30 NRD723B NBB}_0SL?_
NBP51 ?_0F NBO_1 SLI
1 Pless fun--L._EnA_4X OPTIONS _x_ to display
[fun-Link Options] menu.
Device-menu This functon aows you to cont_o the menu of
,our connected fun-Lnk device.
Device- This funct on a}ows you to contro the top menu
contents of your- DVD or Blu r_y discs.
Device- This funct on aows you to contro the popup
favorite menu of your Blu ray discs.
2 Use A/T/OK on this unit's remote control to operate
the des red funct ons for your devices.
• Some of fun Lirlk Zr,ct ons may not be available dependin£ on
your funLink devices or dscs
• We do not guarantee 100% interoperabifity with other brands of
HDPll link compl ant devices