Before you connect:
Be sure your antenna or other device is connected properly
before plugging in the AC power cord.
Antenna Connection
Connect the RF coaxial cable on your home outlet to the
_r/tet]na Ir]DUI ack of this unit
DTV antenna
_.Fcoaxial cable
Connection to Cable Receiver or
Satellite Box
Use an HDNI or ComponentV deo cables to connect the
HDll or the ComponentV deo input jacks of the unit to the
HDINI or the ComponentV deo output jacks of the cable
race ver/satellite box.
if you connect to the unit's ComponentVideo input jacks,
connect Analog Audio cables to the Analog Audo L/R input
jacks right below the ComponentVideo connector jacks.
h_ cableTV signal
satellite dis including PPV
......... cableTV signal
Once connect ons are completed,turn on the unt and begin
nitial setup. Channel scann ng s necessary for the unit to
memorize all available channels n your area. [initial Setup]
u,_ p.11
If you havc any quest on about the ©TV's antenna, vsit
www.antennsweb.o% for further nformation.
Depending on }/out- antenna system, you maXneed d fierent types
of comb nets (mixers) or separ_Jtors (sp itters) for HDTV signa
the rain mum RF bandpass or, these dev ces is 2,000b1Hz or 2GHz.
For your s_fft,ty nd to dvod damage to this unit, please unpu£ the
RF coaxa cable flsm the antenna input jack before movn£ the
If you did use an antenna to mceve aria ogTV, t should aso
worl< tot DTV mcept on. Outdoor or att}c antennas w be more,
eff_,ct ve than a sot top or inside antenna,
lb switch your mcept on source easily br,tween antenna and cabe,
nstall an antenna selectoE
If you a_c,not mceiv n£ asgna flsm your cable serv ce, contact the
Cabe prov de_:
You can also connect this unit to the cable receiver or satellte
box other than the HDll or the ComponentV deo output jacks
or CompositeVideo output)ack (u,mi.p.25, 26) because they
might have different output jacks.
Requ red cables and connecting methods of the cable receiver/
satellite box, or the ava lability channel for the dear QAbq may
dffer depend ng on the cable/satellite prov der or local ] V
For more nformation, please contact your cable/satellite provider
or local TV broadcaste_
• Use dn HDNI cdbe wth the HDNI logo ( certified HDNI cable).
H_h Speed HDNI cable srecommended for the better compat biity
Plug In theAC Power Cord
Nake sure that the AC power cord must be plumed to an AC
outlet after all the necessary connections are made.
C_ut o/:
Do not connect the AC power colxJ to a power suppy outs de
the nd catr'd votage ofths unit (AC 120V).
Connect ng the AC power cord to a power suppy outs de of this
range mdy re,sut in fire or eectr ca shocks,
h4oe be
• Each time you plug n the AC power cord, no operations will
petfformed for a f_,w seconds,This is not a malfunct on.