Use <1/1_ to select the desired Iocat on setting, then press
[Home] is ENERGY STAR _'_qualified sett ng.
Initial Setup
This section will guide you through the unit's nitia+ setting
which ndudes selecting a language for your on screen menu
and autoprogram, which automat tally scans and memor zes
v ewabie channels.
Before you begin:
Make sure the unt is connected to antenna or cable.
1 After making all the necessary connect ons,
press (_)to turn on the unit.
• It mat take a few moments to turn on the unt for the
first time.
• [initial Setup] menu appears automat tally after the
unt is turned on.
2 Use A/V to select the on screen language from the
choices (Engl sh / Espafiol/Franca s) on the right sde of the
[V screen, then press OK.
3 Use A/V to select [Antenna] forTY channels or [Cable]
for CAIV channels, then press OK.
• [Autoprogram] will begin.
Select [Retail] s+tore,the unit will be set up with
predefined setting for retail d splays. In this setting, the
power consumption may possibly exceed the limited
requ rement of the ENERGY S TAR® qualification.
Select [Home], the unit s set to maxmze the energy
effic ency for home setting and t can be adjusted
through a choice of picture and sound quality accord ng
to your preference. Use this setting to remove the ::
E+teke+fv+sblefiomthed+spla ,, p23
When the ntial setup s completed.the lowest
memorized channel with the confirmat on message of
the Iocat on sett ng will be displayed on the]V screen.
You must set [Home] in step 4. Otherwise, [Picture]
and [Sound] settings you adjusted will not be
memorized after the unt goes into standby mode.
If you arc, not receiv n£ d sgnal flsm your cdble serv ce, contdct
the Cabe prov de_:
If you pless _ or MENU durng autoplsgram, ths setup of TV
channels wl! be canoe ed.
The init al autoprogrsm function can be exr,cuted for ether
[Antenna] or [Cable] ony once.When you change the
connect on (Antenn / Cab e), set [Autoprogram] aga}n.,,_- p.17
If them is no signa input fi-om the antenna terminal and no
ope/at on for several seconds after you turn or, the unit, he pful
hints appears. Folow the instruct ons listed on theTV screen.
After an initial setup is completed...
• If you want to scan the channels automatically again.
[Autoprogram] nlmi.p.17
• You can add the desired cable and analog channels
unmemorized by autoprogram.
[Add Channels] ,,_ p.18
• If you want to change to another language.
[Language] n,_ p.23
• If you want to change the location setting.
[Location] n,_ p.23