Ii_'l ul ,i _i| I I
No p cture or sound
Check if the power ison,
Check if the correct nput mode is selected.
Check whether a the cabes to the unit arc. connected to the correct output jack of your devce ke
Biu rdy/DVD Iecolden
Vow otherTV chdnnels.The problem might be limited to the broadcast ng station or weal< sgnal
Unplug the AC power cold and wait for about 1 minute, then plug the AC power cold and turn on
the unt again,
Check whether the connect on of the ntenna, cabe recewr or satel t_, box s connected correct y,
blal<c, sure that the seerred input mode is connected to the working nput jack,
Check if your computer is NO] n sleep mode when the r,put mode ofths unit s in PC mode, i_p
any key or, the keyboard to wal<e up your computer
bike sure that the sound is not muted. Press MUTE so that the volume bar and current volume level
w appear on the IV screen.
blake, sure that the volume s NO] set to [0] or [Mute]. If so, use VOL +/- to adjust the deal1ed
Vow otherTV channels.The problem might be limited to the broadcast ng station or weal< sgnal
No coot strength,
Adjust [Color] n the man menu.
Adjusted [Picture] or [Sound]
sett ngs re not effc,ct ve every time You must set [Home] n [Location]. ,,,. p.23
the unit s turned on, Otherwise, the settings you adjusted wll not be memorized after the unt goes nto standby mode.
Sound OK, picture poor
Electr col inte_%rence flx_m nearby @pl antes may aff_,ct picture quality.
Adjust [Contrast] and [Brightness] n the man menu.
Vow otherTV channels.The problem might be limited to the broadcast ng station or weal< sgnal
For the best picture quoit 7,watch "High Definition" wide soeen programs,
Fthe HD content s not ova abe, watch "Standard Definition" plograms nstead,
Vow otherTV channels.The problem might be limited to the broadcast ng station or weal< sgnal
P cture OK, sound poor stren_h,
Ched< if the audo cable s connected n correctly,
You see a d storted pcture or hear
an unUSUd sound.
You may be gett ng ntertrence fi-om electr col appliances, automob lea,motorcycles or fluorescent
hy moving the unit to another location to see if this is the cause of the problem,
Electr ca intetfference fiom nearby applances may fleet picture quality,
Vow otherTV channels.The problem might be limited to the broadcast ng station or weal< sgnal
Ghosts, Ines or streaks n picture
When the cap b lities of the unit exceed the capabilities of the d gital broadcast ns, the signa will be
ncreased to match the capab ties of the disp ay of the un t.This may cause nose or trash,
Vow otherTV channels.The problem might be limited to the broadcast ng station, miss ng data or
pixr, orion,
You see "noise" or "trash" on the
D firw.nt color marks on theTV
You swtch to a diff.'rent nput and
the volume changes,
You swtch to a different nput and
the screen sze changes,
The d splay image does not covet-
the entire screen.
i _7"i
This unt wll memorize the volume level fl-om the last time you adjusted it,
If the voume of the sound fl-om another devce is hgher or lower, then the oudness will change,
This unt w memorize the view ns mode fi-om the ast tme you used the part cular input modes,
If you are unit18the unt as a PC rnontoq mdke sure thdt [Horizontal Position] dnd [Vertical Position]
n [PC Settings] are set correct}4
If you are watchingTV or usn8 the CompositeV deo, Component Video or HDNI wth 480i Input,
press FORMAT repeatedly to swtch var ous screen modes.
Capt ons are displayed s awhte Inte£c,rence fi-om bui dings or weather condit ons may cause capt on ng to be ncomplete,
box, No caption s d splayed in
the Closed Caption supported Broadcasting station may shorten the program to insert advertisement,
program, The coned caption decoder cannot read the informat on of the shortened program,
Black box is disp ayed on theTV The text mode is seected for caption, Select [CC-1], [CC-2], [CC-3], [CC-4] or [Off],