Rating Category
X Nature aud ence ony
NC-I 7 No one under 17 admitted
R Restr cted; under 17 requu es accompany %
pamr_t or adut £uardiar_
PG-I 3 Unsu tab e for chil@ er_under 13
PG Parr, ntal £u dance suggested
G Genera aud ence
NR No ratir_£
Use A/V to seJect [USTV Ratings Lock], then press OK.
Use A/V / _1/1_ to select the desired rating, then press
OK repeatedly to switch between [View] and [Block].
Rating Category
TV-MA Nature aud ence ony higher
TV-I 4 Unsu tab e for chil@ er_under 14 _÷
TV-PG Parental £u dance suggested
TV-G Genera aud ence /
TV-Y7 Appropriate fur a ch drr,n 7 and
older _ _
TV-Y Appl_priate for a chdmn lower
To set the sub ratings
As foriV HA,T%14,T%PG, oriV Y7,you can further setthe
sub ratings to block specific elements of programming, rb set
the sub rati%s, follow the step below.
Use A/T/_1/1_ to select the desired rat ng, then press OK
repeatedly to swtch between [View] and [Block].
Sub Rating Category
FV FantasyV olence
V V olence
S Sexua Situation
L Coarse Lar,guage
D Suggestive Dao£
• Blocked sub rating wll appear beside the main rating category in
[US TV Ratings Lock] menu.
• Yuu cannot block a sub ratng (D, L, SorV) if the man ratng is set
to [View],
• Chang ng the category to [Block] or [View] automatca y changes
al its sub rat n£sto the same ([Block] or [View]),
Althoughthede ultPINcode/0000/suppl edw ththeunit
you can set your own PiN code.
1 Use A/T to select [Change PIN], then press OK.
2 Pl'ess the Number buttons to enter the new 4 digit PIN
• Enter PIN code again in [Confirm PIN.] entry field,