My remote control does not work.
What should I do?
Why can Jnot watch some RF
signal TV programs.
Check the ar,tr*nna or cabe connect on to the mdn unt,
Check the batteries of the remote contro.
Check if there is an obstacle b_,tween the infrared sensor window and the remote control,
%st the signal output use [IR Signal Check]. _,_ p.30
If okay,then poss ble nfi-ared sensor troube.
• Aim the remote cor,trol d rectly at the nfrared sensor wndow on the flsnt of the ur, t.
Reduce the distance to the unt.
Re insert the batteres with their polartes (+/ sgns) as indicated.
When there s an inflated equipped device such as PC near ths unit, t may interrupt the remote
control signa of this unit.
low, the nframd equipped device away flom ths unit, change the angle of the infi-ared sensor or
turn offthe infi-amd commun cat on funct on.
lake sure [Autoprogram] has been completed. _,_-p.17
Autoprogram must be comploted when you set up the unt for the first time or move t to a Iocat on
where previous y un_va abe char,ne s arc, broadcast,
The selected channel may not be broadcasting.
When [Autoprogram] s interrupted nd not competed, some channes w not be received, lake
sure to complete the Autoprogr_m. _,i- p.17
The selected channel cannot be vewed by the [Child Lock] sett ng._,i- p.20
The unit requ ms some knd of antenna input.An indoor antenna (VHF/UHF), an external antenna
(VHF/UHF / or an RF coaxal cable fi-om your wa cabe/sate te box needs to be pluggod nto the unit.
• When using the Comp0nentYideo Connecti0n check that the Green (Y), Blue (Pb/Cb) and Red (Pr/
' Cr) Connectors are connected to their corresponding colored jacks on the unit.
When I enter a channel number, it
changes automatically.
Why are captions not displayed
entirely? Or, captions are delayed
behind the dialog.
How can I set the clock ?
Many digta ch nneB have Itemate channel numbers.The unit changes the numbers automat cal+yto
the ones signifying the bro dcast n£ station channel numbe_:These base numbers used fur previous
anaog broadcasts. (e.g. input oh#30 auto changes to ch#6.I)
the curren_TV screen d alo£.
[here is no clock funct on on ths unit.
Troubleshooting Guide
If the unit does not perform properly when operated as nstructed n this manual,
check the following chart and all connections once before calling for service.
I_]+'Jul ,j_*|l I I ;_RJT_+I'
blal<e sure the AC power cord is pugged n.
blal<e sure that the AC outlet supplies the proper votage, pug another electrical app ante into the
No power AC outlet to ensure that AC outer operates normally.
If apower Mlure occurs, unpug the AC power cord for I mnute to aow the unt to reset itsefi
Contro button's do not work. Press ony one button at atime. Do NO[ press more thn one button at the same time.
Ensure that no buttons on the remote control al-e depressed and move fl-eely.
Check whether the connect on of the antenna, cabe rece ver or satelite box s connected correct y.
Check whether a the cabes to the unit al-e connected to the correct output jack of your devce ke
Power s ON but no screen mage. Bu ray/DVD recorder:
blal<e sure that the seected nput mode is connected to the working nput jack.
Check if your computer s NOT n sleep mode when the nput mode ofths unit s in PC mode. [_p
any key on the keyboald to wake up your compute_: