
Other functionality
4 Select the page menu command “Collect Audio Track
file” to open the dialog box.
5 Press the Create Directory button and create an appro-
priately-named directory (e.g., AUDIO).
6 Select the “AUDIO” directory you created in step 5, and
press the Open button.
Selecting the “AUDIO” directory and pressing the Open
button will specify the destination directory to which the
“Collect Audio Track file” command will copy or move
the WAVE file.
7 If the WAVE file used by “NEWSONG.SNG” is also used
by another .SNG file, set “Type” to Copy. If the WAVE
file is used only by “NEWSONG.SNG,” set “Type” to
8 Press the OK button to execute the command.
9 When execution has been completed successfully, select
“NEWSONG.SNG,” choose the page menu command
“Copy,” and copy it to the “NSBKUP” directory you cre-
ated in step
2. (“Copy” PG p.169)
0 Using the same method as in the step above, select the
page menu command “Copy” to copy the “AUDIO”
directory into the “NSBKUP” directory.
This completes copying of the .SNG file and WAVE file to
the CD media.
If you want to use the data you copied (backed up) on a
different TRITON STUDIO V2, insert that media into
the other TRITON STUDIO V2, and in the Utility page
select the “NSBKUP” directory and execute the “Copy”
page menu command to copy it to the internal hard
drive or other storage.
We recommend that you keep the .SNG file and WAVE
file in the same directory. If this data is not kept in the
same directory, create an appropriate directory before
backing up to CD, and copy the .SNG and WAVE file
into it.
If the WAVE file is not in the same directory as the .SNG
file, and you copy the .SNG file and WAVE file to CD
without executing “Collect Audio Track file,” you will
be unable to play the audio track from that song data.
If you load a .SNG file that includes a previously-saved
audio track, and then save the .SNG file to another
directory and drive, the assignment of the WAVE file
used for the audio track will remain the same. If you
edit the audio track, the original WAVE file may be
edited in some cases. If you do not want to edit the orig-
inal WAVE file, execute “Collect Audio Track file” to
copy the WAVE file, and then edit that WAVE file.
Add the contents of “Collect Audio Track file” to the “Param-
eter Guide” 0–3: Utility page menu commands (
PG p.169).