If you select a WAVE file that is other than 44.1 kHz or
48 kHz, an error message of “Can’t Put” will appear.
You cannot “put” a WAVE file that is longer than 80
5–1S: Normalize/Level (Normalize/Level Adjust)
This command applies the same processing as the Sampling
mode Sampling P1: Sample Edit page menu command
“Normalize/Level Adjust” to a WAVE file. (☞PG p.104 “1–
1l: Normalize/Level Adj.”)
The data values (volume) in the “From Measure”–“To Mea-
sure” region will be adjusted uniformly. Using “Normalize”
will boost the level of the data as high as possible without
allowing it to clip. Normalizing data that was recorded at a
low level will increase the dynamic range of the data.
“Level” lets you raise or lower the level by a specific
In the dialog box, use the “From Measure,” “To Measure,”
and “Beat.Tick” fields to specify the region to which the
command will apply.
Use “From Measure” and “To Measure” to specify the mea-
sures, and “Beat.Tick” to specify the beat and clock. By
default, “From Measure” and “To Measure” are set to the
“From Measure” and “To End of Measure” setting of the
Track Edit page.
“Overwrite.WAV” specifies whether the data that results
from executing the command will overwrite the original file,
or saved as a new file. If a new file will be created, use
“Name” to specify a name for it.
Use the page menu command “Sel Dir/WAVE (Audio
Track)” to specify the save-destination for the new
WAVE file that will be created.
The way in which the Compare function operates will
depend on the “Overwrite.WAV” setting. (☞p.44)
5–1T: Volume Ramp
This command applies the same processing as the Sampling
mode Sampling P1: Sample Edit page menu command “Vol-
ume Ramp” to a WAVE file. (☞PG p.104 “1–1J: Volume
The data values (volume) in the “From Measure”–“To Mea-
sure” region will be modified. Depending on the setting you
select, the volume will gradually increase (Fade In) or
decrease (Fade Out) from “From Measure” to “To Measure.”
The “From Measure,” “To Measure,” “Beat.Tick,” and
“Overwrite.WAV” fields in this dialog box are the same as
described in “5–1S: Normalize/Level.”
5–1U: Erase Punch Noise
This command erases the noise that can occur at transitions
caused by punch-in recording or editing. This command
will automatically detect locations that cause noise, and
apply a fade to smooth the transition.
1 Use “Track Select” to select the audio track that you
want to edit.
2 Choose “Erase Punch Noise” to open the dialog box.
3 Specify the region for which you want to execute the
Use “From Measure” and “To Measure” to specify the
measures, and “Beat.Tick” to specify the beat and clock.
By default, “From Measure” and “To Measure” are set to
the “From Measure” and “To End of Measure” setting of
the Track Edit page. To avoid needlessly applying this
process to data that does not contain unwanted noise,
you should set the region narrowly, specifying a region
that you know contains punch noise.
“From Measure,”
“Beat. Tick”
“To Measure,”
“Beat. Tick”
Before execution
After execution