MGP 464
Unit B
Output display with the 4 windows
from unit B, and the 4 windows from
unit A laid on top
DVI output from first
MGP output to DVI
background input
1B 2B
3B 4B
1A 2A 3A
DVI out
4 video windows on output display
Output display with the 4 windows
from unit C, and the 4 windows
from unit B laid on top
DVI output from first
MGP output to DVI
background input
DVI out
1B 2B 3B 4B
Output display with the 8 windows
from unit C and unit B, and the 4
windows from unit A laid on top
DVI output from
second MGP output to
DVI background input
DVI out
1A 2A 3A 4A
1B 2B 3B 4B
1C 2C 3C
Computer or
Other DVI Source
Computer output
Output display with the 4 windows
from unit B and the computer output
as the background
DVI output from
computer to DVI
background input
DVI out
Output display with the 4 windows
from unit B and the computer background,
with the 4 windows from unit A laid on top
DVI out
1B 2B 3B 4B
1A 2A 3A 4A
1B 2B 3B 4B
1. 8 Window Configuration
1B 2B
3B 4B
1C 2C 3C 4C
1C 2C 3C
To display
To display
To display
2. 12 Window Configuration
3. 8 Window Configuration with a DVI Computer Background
4 video windows on output display
DVI output from
first MGP output to
DVI background input
Output rate = any
factory rate
MGP 464
Unit C
Output rate = any
factory rate
MGP 464
Unit A
Output rate = DVI
background rate
MGP 464
Unit B
Output rate = DVI
background rate
MGP 464
Unit A
Output rate = DVI
background rate
MGP 464
Unit B
Output rate = DVI
background rate
MGP 464
Unit A
Output rate = DVI
background rate
. Connect input sources to the MGP to be displayed in the windows.
of the second MGP. If you are daisy-chaining three units, connect the DVI
output of the second MGP to the DVI Background connector of the third unit.