Eclipse User Manual
Release 1.10.1 Page 3 of 58 Eclipse User Manual
The How’s and Why’s of This Manual
Of course you have more exiting things to do than to read this manual. For one thing, you have a fabulous
new Eclipse waiting to effect all those sounds so badly in need of effecting. While the Eclipse is engineered for
intuitive, user-friendly operation, reading this manual, either in part or in whole, will help clarify and illumi-
nate its vast array of powerful features. Here’s how we’ve made that as painless a process as possible:
• The Overview and Quickstart section will get you up and running fast, with references to the more in-
depth discussions contained in the Operation section. If you’re really in a hurry, skip to the tutorial on
page 14...
• The Operation section will answer all of your in-depth questions with a complete, tedium-free discus-
sion of all of the Eclipse’s potent features.
• The Table of Contents and Index will direct you to topics of interest with dispatch.
There is only one convention employed in the manual that might need explaining. We’ll write things like:
The display brightness is determined by
SETUP page 2 DISP (BRIGHT). Its values range
from 0 (the dimmest) to 15 (the brightest).
To change the brightness, you would first press the
SETUP key. Notice that
the font (character style) used for the word “
SETUP” looks something like
the font on the faceplate of your Eclipse.
Because it says “page 2,” you’d press the
SETUP key again to get to “page
2.” Notice the little “
2” in the lower right corner. Notice that this refers to
screen page 2, not
User Manual page 2 !
Then you would press the soft key below the phrase
DISP. Again, notice
that the font looks (something) like the font on the display.
Then you would press the soft key under
Finally, you would spin the knob to select a brightness between
0 and 15.
With that said, go read… then play… then read some more… then play
some more…