Eclipse User Manual
Release 1.10.1 Page 33 of 58 Eclipse User Manual
determined solely by (DELAY1) in terms of milliseconds. If you want all of
the parameters in the Eclipse to ignore the tempo, set SETUP TEMPO (TAP
SRC) to Off (just like old-fashioned effects processors).
Now that you have that straight, dig: the Eclipse can calculate delay times
in terms of the tempo
, as described above, or it can calculate them as the
absolute time between two taps of the
TAP key (useful for live situations).
PARAMETER page 2 <EDIT MOD> TTIME (MODE) to select be-
tween systemtempo and longdelaytap. With (MODE) set to system-
, everything behaves as we’ve described so far.
On the other hand, with
(MODE) set to longdelaytap, every “T_DELAY”
and “
T_LOOP” parameter derives its delay time from the interval between
successive taps of the
TAP key.
(TTYPE) set to update, the first of two taps marks the beginning of
an interval, and the second tap defines the end of the interval. You can
watch the interval grow between the taps at (RUN) and check out the re-
sulting delay time at
(DELAY). A third tap starts the interval over at 0 and a
fourth tap defines the end of the new interval.
With (TTYPE) set to climb, the first of two taps begins increasing the exist-
ing interval from the point that it left off, and the second tap defines the
end of the interval. Again, you can watch the interval grow between the
taps at (RUN) and check out the resulting delay time at (DELAY).
To reset the interval with
(TTYPE) climb, select an external modulator
such as pedal 1 under EXT_RESE. Turn to page 41 for details on setting
up external controllers.
Envelope-following Parameters: SENS, ATTACK, and DECAY
Many algorithms involve parameter modulation via an “envelope follower.” An envelope follower tracks the
level of the input audio and modulates some parameter according to that level. Envelope filters are a prime
example of this sort of modulation: the envelope follower modulates the cutoff frequency of a resonant fil-
ter. In the Eclipse, envelope followers frequently modulate LFO rates so that as the input signal gets louder,
the LFO rate speeds up.
(SENS) adjusts the sensitivity of the envelope follower. Use lower values
for quieter input levels and higher values for louder input levels. Short
values of (ATTACK) and (DECAY) track the envelope tightly, while longer
values smooth out the response.
LFO Parameters
LFOs (low-frequency oscillators) abound! An LFO produces a slowly al-
ternating signal that modulates some parameter or another.
(RATE) and
(T_RATE) determine how fast the signal oscillates. (FMRATE) and
(T_FMRATE) determine to what degree the speed of oscillation is affected
by the envelope follower (i.e., the loudness of the input audio).
(SHAPE) determines the shape of the alter-
nating signal (go figure!). For shapes such as
triangle and square the (DUTY) parameter “shifts” their
shape. Via
(DUTY), triangle waves can vary between sawtooth and ramp-shaped, and square waves can
change their pulse length relative to the