Eclipse User Manual
Eclipse User Manual Page 28 of 58 Release 1.10.1
To set “flags” so that your program can be intelligently sorted as described
above, press PROGRAM page 2 SAVE DBASE. There are three databases
that you can flag your program in: (USERGRP) (see page 28), (SOURCE), or
(EFFECT). Select a database by pressing its soft key, then use the knob to
select a category within the database (e.g.,
(SOURCE) Special FX). Then
use the
<TOGGLE> soft key to “flag” a category, that is, to switch the flag
No to Yes. You can also use the <TOGGLE> soft key to “un-flag” a
category. Once all the correct flags are flagged, press the
PROGRAM key to
“jump back up a level.”
If you’re happy with the program number, the name, and the database flags,
<SAVE> to commit the program to memory. If the (NUMBER) you
selected above was empty, the Eclipse will save the program without hesi-
tating. If, on the other hand, the (NUMBER) you chose was already occu-
pied, the Eclipse will verify that you want to destroy the original occupant
with an update or an overwrite. Select <YES> and the original occupant
will disintegrate into digital dust.
Updating Programs
If you make changes to a program that you’ve already saved, you can store
those changes without messing around with numbers, names, and flags
is like the “save” command on a computer, as opposed to the “save as” command)
. Press
PROGRAM page 2 <UPDATE>. A dialog box pops up that asks if you really
want to update the program. Press
<YES> if you do; press <NO> if you
User Groups
There are ten “user groups” available for your own organizational purposes.
When you save a program, you can flag it (PROGRAM page 2 SAVE DBASE
(USERGRP)) as being in one or more of these banks so that when you
choose User Grp under PROGRAM CRITERIA (SEARCH B), your saved
programs are organized as you see fit.
You can name the User Groups under
SETUP page 2 USERGRP. Choose a
(NUMBER) to rename, then use NAME to actually rename it. Pressing the
SETUP key saves the name. ! see page 29 to learn how to name things
Removing Programs
Unfortunately, programs take up space. Eventually you’ll run out of space. Eventually you’ll find that you
don’t use some of the programs that you used to use. Out with the old to make space for the new, right?
To remove a program, first load the program you want to remove. Return
to the
PROGRAM area. Here we’ve loaded “Ringdelays.”
Next, press PROGRAM page 2 <REMOVE>.
To avoid accidents, Eclipse will want to be sure that you are sure before re-
moving a possibly important program.
Hey! You can’t remove factory programs! We don’t even give you the op-
tion …