Eclipse User Manual
Release 1.10.1 Page 39 of 58 Eclipse User Manual
Setting Up the Modulation Block
The Modulation Block
Let it be said: The modulation block is totally cool. It’s a collection of
modules residing inside the Eclipse waiting to be patched to effects pa-
parameters. The modulation block exists at
Changes made to the modulation block are normally saved or loaded with
programs. This can be changed by going to SETUP page 1 <modes> and
(ModBlock) from Prog to Global. If set to Global, the modula-
tion block will not change as programs are loaded.
Below we’ll examine each menu page in the modulation block that isn’t described elsewhere in this manual.
! TTIME and RETRIG are discussed on pages 32 and 33, respectively.
LFO#1 accesses parameters for the modulation block LFO. The parameters are analogous to those found in
program-specific LFOs as discussed on page 33. FOLLOW#1 accesses parameters for the modulation block
envelope follower. The parameters are analogous to those found in program-specific envelope followers as
discussed on page 33.
PARAMETER page 2 <EDIT MOD> ADSR#1 accesses parameters for the
modulation block ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, and release). The ADSR is
triggered by the level of the input audio and generates an envelope deter-
mined by the (ATTACK), (DECAY), (SUSTAIN), (RELEASE), (DLEVEL),
(SLEVEL) as shown in the picture.
determines which input will trigger the ADSR. (SENS) determines how loud the trigger needs to be
in order to “fire,” and
(RETRIG) determines how long the trigger will wait after firing to fire again. Higher
values of
(F ATTACK) and (F DECAY) smooth out the trigger signal.
PARAMETER page 2 <EDIT MOD> page 2 PARAMS accesses four “generic”
parameters: (VALUE1), (VALUE2), (VALUE3), and (VALUE4). If you link
several program-parameters to one of these “generic” parameters, you can
alter all of the program-parameters at once just by altering the one “ge-
neric” parameter. All four values range from 0 to 100%, but
(VALUE3) and
offer greater “resolution” with two decimal spaces.