
Eclipse User Manual
Release 1.10.1 Page 27 of 58 Eclipse User Manual
ever, you can instead bypass the effects processor during this interval by
selecting Mute All at SETUP MODES page 2 (PGMCHG).
If both the outgoing and the loading programs are routed for crossfades (if
each program only uses one of the two available effects blocks, and neither
is too big), then the two programs will blend during loading by a time speci-
fied at
Loading Programs From MIDI and Using MIDI Maps
You can load programs from MIDI program change messages if SETUP
page 2 MIDI MIDIMODE (PGM CHNG) is set to On.
Only MIDI program change messages sent on the channel selected at
SETUP page 2 MIDI (CHANNEL) will be obeyed. Omni selects all channels.
That’s all fine, but get this: MIDI program change messages range from 1 to 128. The Eclipse’s program
numbers range from 0 to 999. Those numbers don’t jive.
Here’s how we’ve fixed the situation: maps. Press
SETUP page 3 MAPS to
activate or customize one of three MIDI maps. The maps have the follow-
ing factory defaults that can be restored by pressing
Map 1 Program change numbers 1-100 select factory programs
Map 2 Program change numbers 1-100 select user programs 0-99
Map 3 Program change numbers 1-100 select card programs 500-
To customize a map, first select it with
SETUP page 3 MAPS (MAP #)
shown above. Use (PGMCHG#) to select a MIDI program change number
PChg) to associate with the program selected by (PRESET #) (Prst) as
shown to the right.
…happy loading…
Saving and Updating Programs
You can only save programs with numbers between 0 and 99 in internal memory and between 500 and 999
on a memory card. Numbers 100 through 199 are reserved for factory programs that make direct use of the
Eclipse’s underlying algorithms, and numbers 200 through 499 are reserved for more complex factory pro-
Saving Programs
To save a program, press PROGRAM page 2 SAVE AS.
Next, use PROGRAM page 2 SAVE (NUMBER) to select a number to store
the program at..
To name the program, press
PROGRAM page 2 SAVE NAME. Once you’ve
entered a satisfactory name, press the PROGRAM key again to “jump back
up a level.”
! see page 29 to learn how to name things