Eclipse User Manual
Eclipse User Manual Page 42 of 58 Release 1.10.1
for con are 0 to 31. The MIDI control number con will pass the “coarse” value for the
modulation and the MIDI control number
(CNTRL) + 32 will pass the “fine” value for
the modulation.
chan pressur
MIDI channel pressure message.
pitch wheel
MIDI pitch bend message.
note on
MIDI keyboard note number. Middle C on an 88-note keyboard gives a value of “60.”
MIDI program
Triggers when a MIDI program change message is received.
MIDI clock
Modulates as a function of the BPM (beats per minute) of a MIDI clock signal. The value of
this external controller is
input_BPM / 480 = value
so 120BPM yields a value of 0.25, 96BPM yields a value of 0.2, and so on. This MIDI mes-
sage is channel-independent.
MIDI start
Triggers when a MIDI start command is received. This MIDI command is channel-
MIDI stop
Triggers when a MIDI stop command is received. This MIDI command is channel-
No external controller will be connected.
For all of the above MIDI messages (except for those involving “MIDI
clock”), if
SETUP page 2 MIDI (CHANNEL) is set to Omni, then the MIDI
message will be accepted on any channel.
On the other hand, if
SETUP page 2 MIDI (CHANNEL) is set to a specific
channel (e.g., 6), then you must select the channel that the external control-
ler will be accepted on.
Jumping back to
SETUP page 3 EXTERNAL EXT#1, select (CHANNEL).
Your selection is made relative to the channel selected in the MIDI setup. In
the example shown to the right, our base channel is 6 so EXT#1 will re-
spond to MIDI messages on channel 8 (6 + 2 = 8).
As opposed to “manually” selecting a MIDI controller along with its
proper channel and control number, a feature exists that “captures” the
first MIDI message sent to the Eclipse. Press
EXT#1 page 2 <CAPTURE>, and then send the Eclipse the MIDI message
you would like to use.
Dedicated External Controllers
As well as the eight general-purpose controllers described above, there are
also a number of single purpose External Controllers.
(BYPASS) Allows you to bypass the Eclipse from a foot switch or MIDI source. Using this controller is
the same as hitting the
BYPASS switch on the front panel. ! See pages 6 and 22 for more on Bypass
(PGM +) Allows you to select a foot pedal or a MIDI source to load the next highest program. This
can be useful in a live performance. Of course, this can be set to
Off as well.
(PGM -) Allows you to select some aspect of the rear foot pedal jacks or MIDI to load the next low-
est program. Of course, this can be set to
Off as well.