Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 565
Dialogic Corporation
11.IP-Specific Event Cause Codes
This chapter lists the IP-specific error and event cause codes and provides a description of each
code. The codes described in this chapter are defined in the gcip_defs.h header file.
When a GCEV_DISCONNECTED event is received, use the gc_ResultInfo( ) function to retrieve
the reason or cause of that event.
When using gc_DropCall( ) with H.323, only event cause codes prefixed by IPEC_H2250 or
IPEC_Q931 should be specified in the cause parameter.
When using gc_DropCall( ) with SIP, if the application wants to reject a call during call
establishment, the relevant cause value for the gc_DropCall( ) function can be either one of the
generic Dialogic
Global Call API cause values for dropping a call (see the gc_DropCall( )
function description in the Dialogic
Global Call API Library Reference), or one of the cause
codes prefixed by IPEC_SIP in this chapter. If the application wants to drop a call that is already
connected (simply hanging up normally) the same rules apply, but the cause is not relevant in the
BYE message.
When using gc_Extension( ) to reject an incoming request to switch from audio to T.38 fax or vice
versa, use only the cause codes prefixed by “IPEC_Q931Cause” for H.323, or the cause codes
prefixed by “IPEC_SIPReason” for SIP.
11.1 IP-Specific Error Codes
The following IP-specific error codes are supported:
The address specified is already in use. For IP networks, this will usually occur if an attempt is
made to open a socket with a port that is already in use.
Unable to resolve address to a valid IP address.
Call failed because of a bad parameter.
Unable to allocate or copy caller ID string.
As a result of the circumstances under which this channel was opened, it cannot be closed.
This could occur for some protocols in the scenario when channels are opened before the call
is connected. In this case, the channels should be closed and deleted after hang-up.
Media channel is already active.