
Dialogic Corporation
4.26.10 Terminating a Call After a T.38 Fax Session
After a T.38 fax session is finished, and prior to issuing gc_DropCall( ), the T.38 Fax device needs
to be disassociated from the Media device using the gc_SetUserInfo( ) function. The following
code provides and example.
INT32 processEvtHandler()
METAEVENT metaEvent;
GC_PARM_BLK *parmblkp = NULL;
IP_CONNECT ipConnect;
switch (evtType)
/* received extension event, parse PARM_BLK examine extension data */
/* disconnect the media and fax devices */
ipConnect.version = 0x100;
ipConnect.mediaHandle = pline->mediaH;
gc_util_insert_parm_ref(&parmblkp, IPSET_FOIP, IPPARM_T38_DISCONNECT,
sizeof(IP_CONNECT), (void *)(&ipConnect));
gc_SetUserInfo(GCTGT_GCLIB_CRN, pline->crn, parmblkp, GC_SINGLECALL);
/* dropcall */
gc_DropCall(pline->crn, GC_NORMAL_CLEARING, EV_ASYNC);
4.27 Sending and Receiving V.17 Faxes
The Dialogic® HMP system is capable of originating and receiving a fax using a V.17 soft modem.
This facility can be used with the Dialogic
Global Call API library routing the V.17 PCM data
over a G.711 coder in a “fax pass-through” mode by connecting the fax (dxxx) device directly to
the media (ipm) device via a PCM connection.
Alternatively, the V.17 PCM data can be routed over a PSTN connection by connecting the fax
(dxxx) device directly to the DTI front end device (refer to the Dialogic
Fax Software Reference).
4.27.1 Sending G.711 Fax in an Established Audio Session
In the scenario shown in Figure 61, the user application uses the Dialogic
Global Call API to open
a Media device and make a voice call. A Fax device is then opened and the application connects the
Fax device to the voice session.