Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 477
Dialogic Corporation
An IPT network device (iptBx) can also used for host LAN disconnect alarms. Note that all other
Global Call API alarms for IP are reported on IP Media (ipm) devices, not IPT network
(ipt) devices.
Note: Applications should avoid closing and re-opening devices multiple times. Board devices and
channel devices should be opened during initialization and should remain open for the duration of
the application.
For Windows
operating systems, the SRL function sr_getboardcnt( ) can be used to retrieve the
number of IPT board devices in the system. The class_namep parameter in this context should be
DEV_CLASS_IPT. The SRL function ATDV_SUBDEVS( ) can be used to retrieve the number of
channels on a board. The dev parameter in this context should be an IPT board device handle, that
is, a handle returned by gc_OpenEx( ) when opening an IPT board device.
For Linux operating systems, the SRL device mapper functions SRLGetAllPhysicalBoards( ),
SRLGetVirtualBoardsOnPhysicalBoard( ) and SRLGetSubDevicesOnVirtualBoard( ) can be
used to retrieve information about the boards and devices in the system.
8.3.19 gc_RejectInitXfer( ) Variances for IP
This function is only available if the call transfer supplementary service was enabled via the
sup_serv_mask field in the IP_VIRTBOARD structure when the board device was started.
Variance for H.323
The parameter parmblkp is ignored for IP technology and should be set to NULL.
The gc_RejectInitXfer( ) function can be used at party C only on the receipt of
Four of the six Dialogic
Global Call API reasons are supported and result in the following
ctIdentify error values signaled back to party A. Values GCVAL_REJREASON_INVADDR and
GCVAL_REJREASON_INSUFFINFO cause the function to fail with a subsequent error code of
Table 36 lists the ctIdentity error codes that are signaled to party A based on the value of the reason
parameter passed when the gc_RejectXfer( ) function is called.
Table 36. ctIdentify Errors Signaled From gc_RejectInitXfer( ) to the Network
GC Value ctIdentify Error
GCVAL_REJREASON_INSUFFINFO N/A (will return invalid parameter error)
GCVAL_REJREASON_INVADDR N/A (will return invalid parameter error)
GCVAL_REJREASON_NOTALLOWED suppServInteractionNotAllowed