
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 491
Dialogic Corporation
See Section 4.26.3, “Initiating a Switch from Audio to T.38 Fax”, on page 322 for more
information and a code example.
8.3.27 gc_Start( ) Variances for IP
The gc_Start( ) function is used to configure the Dialogic
Global Call API library on a system
level and on a virtual board level.
At the system level, the following items can be configured:
the number of IPT board devices (virtual boards) to create in the system (see Section 2.3.2,
“IPT Board Devices”, on page 47 for the meaning of an IPT board device)
the maximum size of parameter data for certain Global Call parameter types, such as SIP
message headers, H.323 non-standard data, and MIME part headers
first party call control or third party call control operating mode
Note: The maximum value of the num_boards field in the IPCCLIB_START_DATA structure, which
defines the number of IPT board devices and the number of NIC addresses, is 8.
On a virtual board level, the application can configure a number of characteristics for each IPT
board device. Among the major capabilities and features that can be configured for each virtual
board when starting the system are:
the total number of IPT line devices that can be open concurrently
the maximum number of IPT devices that can be used for H.323 calls and for SIP calls
the local address and signaling port for H.323 and for SIP
enable/disable call transfer supplementary services
enable/disable access to H.323 message information fields and to SIP message header fields
enable/disable and configure access to MIME-encoded message bodies in SIP messages
enable/disable and configure SIP outbound proxy
enable/disable and configure use of TCP transport protocol for SIP messages
configure SIP request retry behavior
enable/disable application access to SIP OPTIONS messages
If NULL is passed to gc_Start( ) the system is started in a default configuration that has a single
virtual board which supports both H.323 and SIP protocols. This virtual board will have the default
parameters listed at the end of this section. If the default configuration is not appropriate for the
application, if the application needs to use the third party call control operating mode, or if the
application requires a non-default configuration for any of the parameters (for example, if it needs
to use one or more of the features that are disabled by default), the application must explicitly
configure the system before calling gc_Start( ).
To configure a non-default system, the application starts by creating an IPCCLIB_START_DATA
structure and an array of IP_VIRTBOARD structures, one for each virtual board in the system. The
application must then use the convenience functions INIT_IPCCLIB_START_DATA( ) and
INIT_IP_VIRTBOARD( ) (defined in the gcip.h header file) to initialize each of the structures
with the default value for each field in the structure. After initialization, the application can