
344 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
Third Party Call Control (3PCC) Operations and Multimedia Support
CCLIB_START_STRUCT and GC_START_STRUCT structures, contains a
media_operational_mode field that determines the Dialogic
Global Call API library mode of
operation. The default value of this field that is set by the INIT_IPCCLIB_START_DATA( )
initialization function specifies the first party call control (1PCC) mode; applications wishing to
use the 3PCC mode must set the media_operational_mode field to the value
MEDIA_OPERATIONAL_MODE_3PCC before calling gc_Start( ).
The following code snippet shows how an application initializes the CCLIB_START_STRUCT
structure and sets the parameter for 3PCC operating mode.
#include "gclib.h"
#define BOARDS_NUM 1
/* initialize start parameters */
/* initialize start data structure */
INIT_IPCCLIB_START_DATA(&cclibStartData, BOARDS_NUM, virtBoards);
/* initialize virtual board structure */
// set 3PCC operating mode
cclibStartData.media_operational_mode = MEDIA_OPERATIONAL_MODE_3PCC;
Note: In order to change the operating mode when the Dialogic
Global Call API library is running, the
library must first be stopped by calling the gc_Stop( ) function. The IP CCLIB does not support the
invocation of any library operations after performing a gc_Stop( ). This function drops all calls,
stops the Dialogic
Global Call API library, and releases all resources so that the library can be
restarted in a different mode. However, the application is responsible for terminating all processes
after calling gc_Stop( ). The application must then be restarted and gc_Start( ) invoked to change
the library and virtual board startup parameters.
Refer to Section 4.1, “Call Control Library Initialization”, on page 108 and Section 8.3.27,
“gc_Start( ) Variances for IP”, on page 491, for more information about initializing the Dialogic
Global Call API library.
5.2.2 Interface Changes
Several Dialogic
Global Call API changes have been made to support 3PCC mode. Third party
call control-specific changes are as follows:
IPSET_SDP Parameter Set Identifier
gc_SipAck( )
gc_Listen( ) and gc_UnListen( )
gc_SetUserInfo( ) Duration Defines