
476 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
8.3.18 gc_OpenEx( ) Variances for IP
The gc_OpenEx( ) function is supported in both synchronous and asynchronous mode, but the use
of asynchronous mode is recommended.
The procedure for opening devices is the same regardless of whether H.323 or SIP is used. The IPT
network device (N_ipt_BxTy) and IP Media device (M_ipmBxCy) can be opened in the same
gc_OpenEx( ) call and a voice device (V_dxxxBwCz) can also be included.
The format of the devicename parameter is:
Notes: 1. The board and timeslot numbers for network devices do not have to be the same as the board and
channel numbers for media devices.
2. It is possible to specify :N_iptBx (without any :M component) in the devicename parameter to
get an IPT board device handle. Certain Dialogic
Global Call API functions, such as
gc_SetConfigData( ), use the IPT board device to specify call parameters (such as coders) for all
devices in one operation or gc_ReqService( ) to perform registration and deregistration
operations. See Section 8.3.25, “gc_SetConfigData( ) Variances for IP”, on page 484 and
Section 8.3.22, “gc_ReqService( ) Variances for IP”, on page 479 for more information.
3. It is also possible to specify :M_ipmBx (without any :N component) in the devicename
parameter to get an IP Media board device handle.
The prefixes (P_, N_, M_ and V_) are used for parsing purposes. These fields may appear in any
order. The conventions described below allow the Dialogic
Global Call API to map subsequent
calls made on specific line devices or CRNs to interface-specific libraries. The fields within the
devicename parameter must each begin with a colon.
The meaning of each field in the devicename parameter is as follows:
Specifies the IP protocol to be used by the device. This field is mandatory. Possible values are:
P_H323 – Use the device for H.323 calls only
P_SIP – Use the device for SIP calls only
P_IP – Multi-protocol option; use the device for SIP or H.323 calls
Note: When specifying an IPT board device (see below), use the multi-protocol option,
Specifies the name of the IPT network device where x is the logical board number and y is the
logical channel number. An IPT board device can be specified using N_iptBx, where x is the
logical board number.
Specifies the name of the IP Media device, where x is the logical board number and y is the
logical channel number to be associated with an IPT network device. This field is optional.
Specifies a voice resource, where w and z are the voice board and channel numbers
respectively. This field is optional.