16 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
Revision History
Retrieving SIP Message Header Fields section: Added note on truncation of too-long
header fields
Sending Nonstandard Protocol Messages (H.323): Updated for NS data >255 bytes
Using MIME Bodies in SIP Messages (SIP-T) section: Updated for MIME header
field parameters >255 bytes
Using H.323 Annex M Tunneled Signaling Messages section: Updated for NS data
>255 bytes. Updated defines for object IDs.
Registration Overview section: Updated description of H.323 unregistration behavior
Registration Code Examples section: Updated registration code example
Sending and Receiving Nonstandard Registration Messages (H.323) section:
updated for NS data > 255 bytes
Setting IP Media Library Parameters: New section
Global Call Functions Supported by IP section: Added entries for Global Call
functions that support non-IP technologies
Message Sequence Diagrams section: Removed notes about lack of support for the
ipm_ModifyMedia( ) function
gc_AcceptModifyCall( ) function: Updated to describe use in 1PCC mode
gc_RejectModifyCall( ) function: Updated to describe use in 1PCC mode
gc_ReqModifyCall( ) function: Updated to describe use in 1PCC mode
gc_util_copy_parm_blk( ) function: Updated parms supporting >255 byte data
gc_util_find_parm_ex( ) function: Updated parms supporting >255 byte data
gc_util_insert_parm_ref_ex( ) function: Updated parms supporting >255 byte data
gc_util_next_parm_ex( ) function: Updated parms supporting >255 byte data
INIT_GC_PARM_DATA_EXT( ) function: new reference page
gc_AcceptCall( ) Variances for IP: Added info about Q.931 Progress message
gc_Start( ) Variances for IP section: Corrected descriptions of default start-up
Summary of Parameter Sets and Parameter Usage table: Added new parm IDs to
Deleted 5 unimplemented parm IDs from IPSET_SIP_MSGINFO.
IPSET_CONFIG Parameter Set table: Added new parm ID for IPML parameters and
new SIP-specific parameter value for IPPARM_OPERATING_MODE
IPSET_MEDIA_STATE Parameter Set table: Added four parm IDs for inactive and
half-duplex states
IPSET_MIME and IPSET_MIME_200OK_TO_BYE Parameter Sets table: Updated
for MIME part headers > 255 bytes
IPSET_NONSTANDARDCONTROL Parameter Set: Updated for data >255 bytes
IPSET_NONSTANDARDDATA Parameter Set table: Updated for data >255 bytes
IPSET_SIP_MSGINFO Parameter Set table: Deleted five unimplemented parm IDs
IPSET_SIP_RESPONSE_CODE Parameter Set table: Added new parm ID for
provisional response status codes
IPSET_TUNNELEDSIGNALMSG Parameter Set table: Updated for data >255 bytes
IP_CAPABILITY data structure: Added new direction defines for half-duplex, on-hold
streaming and FastStart coder info retrieval
IP_VIRTBOARD data structure: Updated descriptions of ..._max_calls fields. Added
FastStart coder info defines for message info masks
IPCCLIB_START_DATA data structure: Added new parms supporting >255 byte data
REQUEST_ERROR data structure: New reference page
Document No. Publication Date Description of Revisions