434 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
gc_util_insert_parm_ref_ex( ) — insert a GC_PARM_BLK parameter by reference
• To avoid a memory leak, any GC_PARM_BLK created must be deleted using the
) function.
• Insertion of data that exceeds 255 bytes in length is only supported for specific setID/parmID
pairs. Refer to the appropriate Global Call Technology Guide for information on maximum
data length for each setID/parmID pair.
• If this function returns GC_ERROR to indicate failure, use the gc_ErrorInfo( ) function to
retrieve the reason for the error. See the “Error Handling” section in the Dialogic
Global Call
API Programming Guide. All Global Call error codes are defined in the gcerr.h file.
• Attempting to insert data greater than 255 bytes in length using a setID/parmID pair that does
not support extended-length data produces an error indication. In this situation, the
) function returns the value EGC_INVPARM.
#include "gclib.h"
#include "gcip.h"
void SetHeader(void)
GC_PARM_BLKP my_blkp = NULL;
char* pChar = "Remote-Party_ID: This string can be greater than 255 bytes";
/* Add 1 to strlen for null termination */
unsigned long data_size = strlen(pChar) + 1;
/* insert parm and associated data into the GC_PARM_BLK */
if ( gc_util_insert_parm_ref_ex( &my_blkp, IPSET_SIP_MSGINFO, IPPARM_SIP_HDR, data_size,
(void*)( pChar )) != GC_SUCCESS )
/* Process error */
/* At this point the application can overwrite the data pointed to by pChar. */
pChar = NULL;
Parameter Description
parm_blkpp points to the address of a valid GC_PARM_BLK where the parameter
element is to be inserted. Set
*parm_blkpp to NULL to insert the
parameter into a new block.
setID set ID of the parameter to be inserted
parmID parameter ID of the parameter to be inserted
data_size size, in bytes, of the value data associated with this parameter. For certain
set ID/parm ID pairs the maximum size is configurable at library start-up
using IPCCLIB_START_DATA.max_parm_data_size; for all other
parameters, the maximum size is 255 bytes.
datap points to the value data associated with this parameter