456 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
The parmblkp and ret_rerouting_infopp parameters are ignored and should be set to NULL. The
gc_InitXfer( ) function returns -1 if invalid parameter are specified.
Variance for H.323 (H.450.2)
The gc_InitXfer( ) function has an associated GCEV_INIT_XFER termination event that is
received on the specified CRN. This termination event indicates that the initiate transfer request
was successful and that party C has sent a positive acknowledgement.
Variance for SIP
The gc_InitXfer( ) function does not cause any SIP message to be sent to either of the remote
parties, and is used only for purposes of synchronizing the Global Call state machine. The
GCEV_INIT_XFER termination event that the Transferor receives on the specified CRN after
calling gc_InitXfer( ) is a “dummy” event whose only purpose is to allow synchronization of the
Global Call state machine.
8.3.15 gc_InvokeXfer( ) Variances for IP
This function is only available if the call transfer supplementary service was enabled via the
sup_serv_mask field in the IP_VIRTBOARD structure when the board device was started.
Variance for H.323 (H.450.2)
The party A application is notified by GCEV_INVOKE_XFER_REJ if the remote party receiving
the call transfer request rejects the request, or by GCEV_INVOKE_XFER_FAIL if the request fails
for some reason, but there is no notification if the request is accepted. The only notification party A
receives in a successful transfer is the GCEV_INVOKE_XFER event, which does not necessarily
mean that the transferred call between party B and party C was connected, only that it was
confirmed to be delivered. Specifically, it indicates that ALERTING or CONNECT was received
from party C on the transferred call.
Table 27 identifies the protocol-specific variances in parameters for gc_InvokeXfer( ).
Table 27. gc_InvokeXfer( ) Supported Parameters for H.450.2
Parameter Meaning
crn For all transfers, CRN of primary call.
extracrn For a supervised call transfer, parameter value must be the CRN of the
secondary/consultation call with party C.
For blind call transfers, parameter value must be zero.