2007 Volvo XC90
NHTSA can be reached at:
1-888-DASH-2-DOT (1-888-327-4236).
pg. 11 Safety
Occupant safety, Reporting safety defects
Reporting safety defects in Canada
If you believe your vehicle has a defect that could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you
should immediately inform Transport Canada in addition to notifying Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.
To contact Transport Canada, call (800) 333-0510, or (613) 993-9851 if you are calling from the Ottawa
pg. 12 Safety
Seat belts
Using seat belts
Volvo, the inventor of the three-point seat belt, urges you and all occupants of your vehicle to wear seat
belts and ensure that children are properly restrained, using an infant, car, or booster seat determined by
age, weight and height.
Volvo also believes no child should sit in the front seat of a vehicle.
Most states and provinces make it mandatory for occupants of a vehicle to use seat belts.
Seat belt tensioners
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