Feature Details
© 2009 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.
Out of Range
Each time a command is performed the remote will expect a command
response from the system. If a command response is not received the
screen and tone plays as an alert.
No Remote Output
Occasionally when a command is performed the remote may not
generate a command response output or Out of Range output. This
indicates that the system received the command but it was an incom-
plete command (e.g. Aux button pressed too short to activate the trunk
release) or it was an illegal message (e.g. the command was cor-
rupted due to local RF interference). These are temporary normal func-
tions of the system and remote, perform the command again within 10
seconds to return to normal operation.
Feature not Available
message is a generic one which varies in
cause and solution depending upon the command used:
Command Cause Reason/Solution
Runtime Reset Remote Start is Off Only available when Remote Start is On
Sensor Bypass System is not armed Only available when system is armed
Defroster Remote Start is Off.
Not configured for
Only available when Remote Start is On.
Only available when configured for
Defroster control.
Car Select Car 2 name tag is
not set.
Car 1 or Car 2 is out
of range.
Set Car 2 name tag to activate Car 2
Move to within range .