Trek -725 Automobile Alarm User Manual

73 Chapter 4
4.9.8 Set Display Resolution
Set the display resolution with AdvLibSetResolution(). You need to
restart your TREK-725 before new settings take effect.
Set display resolution
* BOOL AdvLibSetResolution(int DisplayModeIndex)
+ Parameters
- DisplayModeIndex
[in] Display resolution index. The range is set from 0 to 2. Index 0, 1,
and 2 correspond to 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 resolutions.
+ Return Value
- TRUE (nonzero) on success.
FALSE (zero) on failure.
+ Remarks
You could use pre-defined statements to replace DisplayModeIndex. The
following statements are written in Advlib.h.
#define SET_RESOLUTION_800X6000
#define SET_RESOLUTION_640X4801
#define SET_RESOLUTION_1024X7682
4.9.9 On/Off Backlight
You can call AdvLibScreenOn() to turn on the LCD panel backlight, and
turn off it with AdvLibScreenOff().
Call this function to turn on the LCD panel backlight.
* BOOL AdvLibScreenOn(void)
+ Parameters
- No parameters
+ Return Value
- TRUE (nonzero) on success.
FALSE (zero) on failure.
+ Remarks
Turns on the LCD panel backlight.