Trek -725 Automobile Alarm User Manual

Trek-725 User Manual 70
Tell the watchdog timer that the application is still working.
* BOOL AdvLibWDTrigger(void)
+ Parameters
- No parameters
+ Return Value
- TRUE (nonzero) on success.
FALSE (zero) on failure.
+ Remarks
After the watchdog timer is activated, the application should call this
function regularly to indicate that it is still working properly. If the watch-
dog timer is activated, and the application doesn’t call AdvLibWDTrig-
ger() after timeout seconds, the system will reboot.
This function disables the watchdog timer.
* BOOL AdvLibWDDisable(void);
+ Parameters
- No parameters
+ Return Value
- TRUE (nonzero) on success.
FALSE (zero) on failure.
+ Remarks
If the watchdog timer is not longer required, the application can call Adv-
LibWDDisable() to disable the watchdog timer. The return value may be
FALSE if the watchdog hardware can not be stopped.