Trek -725 Automobile Alarm User Manual

Trek-725 User Manual 72
Call this function to set the screen brightness.
* BOOL AdvLibBrightSet(BYTE brightness);
+ Parameters
- brightness
[in] Specifies the new screen brightness. The range is set from 0 to 255.
+ Return Value
- TRUE (nonzero) on success.
- FALSE (zero) on failure.
+ Remarks
The brightness range is the set of contiguous integer values that applica-
tions can control. The range is set from 0 to 255. The brightness 0 is dark-
est, and the brightness 255 is brightest.
Call this function to write the screen brightness to flash.
* BOOL AdvLibBrightApply(void)
+ Parameters
- No parameters
+ Return Value
- TRUE (nonzero) on success.
FALSE (zero) on failure.
+ Remarks
This function writes the screen brightness to flash. If you don't call this
function, your brightness setting is volatile.