Chapter 3: Standard Chart Operations 3-17
Using the ST60 or
ST80 Navigator
Editing Entries in the Waypoint, Route, or Track Lists
You can also use the Navigator Keypad to edit an existing item or to name a
new item in the Waypoint List, Route List, or Track List. You first must enter
the edit mode for the list you want to modify. Methods for editing each list are
described in the respective sections of this chapter.
➤ To edit an item in a list using the Navigator Keypad:
1. If necessary, use the right and left arrow keys to move the cursor to the
desired character position.
2. Press an alphanumeric key until the desired character is displayed. Each
time you press one of these keys in succession, the next character on that
key is input.
1. Usetheup anddown arrow keysto scroll throughthelist ofalpha, numeric,
and special characters until the desired character is displayed (just as you
would with the trackpad). Note that you must use this method to input spe-
cial characters; they are not available using the alphanumeric keys.
Use the del key to insert a space, if required.
2. Use the arrow keys and alphanumeric keys to input the remainder of the
characters required to complete the editing.
3. When done, press the ins key to enter your changes.