Appendix E – DL Commands
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 59
scheduling [filename]
Command Option Description Default
groupname group name The name of a group (e.g. “alpha”) which is being
scheduling dddddddhhmm,dhhmm The start and stop time between which logging is to
occur. For the start time, enter the day of week (up to
seven specifiers can be selected), then the hour of the
day (2-digit number), followed by the minute of the hour
(2-digit number). After the comma, enter the stop time
in the same way, except that only one day specifier is
allowed, for the case where recording starts on one day
and ends on a subsequent day. If no day-of-week
specifier is given, the event occurs every day.
filename filename The name of the file (without the .PDC extension) in
which data will be recorded. You can only provide a file
name when you are scheduling a single data collection
event; if you are scheduling a series of events, you have
to accept the DL’s auto-generated names. If you specify
a single recurring event with a named file (e.g. log data
on Mondays between 1600 and 1700, and place the
data in file TEST.PDC), the first Monday this would
occur. If you did nothing, the following Monday a file-
name conflict would occur; in that case, the DL creates
a file name whose first character is a tilde (“~”), followed
by a 7-digit random number, and a .PDC extension (e.g.
schedule add alpha 1600,1700 i98feb20
• An entry is added to the “alpha” group, causing logging to occur every day between the times 1600 to 1700. The
data is directed to the I98FEB20.PDC file, although the data could have also been directed to a file with an auto-
generated name.
schedule add alpha m1600,1700 i98feb20
• An entry is added to the “alpha” group, causing logging to occur on Mondays between the times 1600 to 1700.
The data is directed to the I98FEB20.PDC file, although the data could have also been directed to a file with an
auto-generated name.
schedule add alpha m1600,w1700
• An entry is added to the “alpha” group, causing logging to occur between 1600 on Mondays and 1700 on
Wednesdays. The data is directed to a file with an auto-generated name, although a named file is allowable in this
schedule add alpha mwf1600,1700
• An entry is added to the “alpha” group, causing logging to occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between
the times 1600 to 1700. The data is directed to files with auto-generated names; a named file is not allowable in
this case